lab report on

             Objective: To detect the amount of particular matter collected from the
             smoker's end of a cigarette and the amount of second hand smoke released
             Materials and Methods/Procedures: Two each of a 250 ml filter flask, a
             piece of filter paper, a 1-hole rubber stopper, glass tubing, a glass
             funnel and rubber tubing were assembled as required, and the filter flask
             was attached to a water aspirator. The filter papers were removed, weighed
             to the nearest 0.001 g, and replaced on the apparatus. A non-filtered
             cigarette was inserted into the funnel, which was then clamped pointing up.
             A second funnel was clamped approximately a half inch above the cigarette
             funnel in order to collect the second hand smoke in the room, and enough
             space was allowed between the funnels to allow air and catch all of the
             smoke. The water aspirators were turned on, the cigarette was lit, and the
             aspirators were adjusted so that the cigarette burned over a period of 3-5
             minutes. After the cigarette burned down to the last centimeter, the
             aspirators were turned off, the cigarette was removed and the filter papers
             were removed and weighed. The initial weight of the filter paper was
             subtracted from the final weight. The solids collected from the second
             hand smoke funnel were divided by the solids collected for the smoker's
             funnel, and multiplied by 100 to obtain the percent of solids in room
             smoke. The procedure was repeated with a filtered cigarette and the
             Results: In the non-filtered cigarette experiment, the initial filter
             paper weight of the smoker's flask was .223g, while the paper of the room
             flask weighed .234g. After collecting solids, the weight of the smoker's
             flask paper was .231g and the room flask paper weighed .241g. The weight
             of the solids collected were: smoker's flask-.008g, and room flask-.007g.
             The percentage between room solid smoke and smoker's smoke wa

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lab report on. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 01:37, September 21, 2024, from