Global Warming

             If I were a Secretary in the Federal Government, and needed to
             implement policies to curb global warming, I would do all that was possible
             in my powers to ensure the policies were sensible, and really made a
             difference to the serious problem of global warming, because we only have
             one planet that is habitable, and we need to preserve it as it is so that
             The policies to be implemented would include taxing companies that use
             a high amount of fossil fuels for their energy supply at a higher amount
             than those who use less, and conversely, giving tax incentives to those
             companies that use sustainable energy sources for their energy, so that
             this would dissuade companies from using non-renewable sources of energy,
             and encourage companies to use sustainable energy.
             Further, companies providing sustainable sources of energy should be
             given business loans at a low interest rate, so that they can ensure their
             business, which is a service to all the people of the world, will function
             well, and run smoothly. Companies that are mining for oil should be taxed
             heavily, as more oil is not needed, simply a better distribution of the use
             of the non-renewable sources of energy we have, and a concerted effort to
             find and exploit sustainable sources of energy, such as wind power or solar
             I would also give tax breaks to those private individuals who decide
             to use energy from sustainable sources for their homes, and also give
             similar tax breaks to those people who use more energy efficient transport,
             such as buses, or bikes. Those people who use energy-guzzling cars should
             be taxed heavily, as it is their decision to use transport that damages the
             environment, and they should be punished for this. Those people who decide
             to use bikes, for example, within cities or small towns in the US, should
             Policies should also be implemented to disallow th

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Global Warming. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 00:30, September 21, 2024, from