Strategic planning within an organization

             Strategic planning within an organization is a key component to the
             organizations success. The ability to measure expected demand; structure a
             system to address that demand to the satisfaction of all the stakeholders,
             and then execute the plan is the sign of a successful management team, and
             a profitable organization. Of course, many factors contribute to the
             profitability of an organization. If the costs and revenues, when measured
             in a static environment shoe a profitable company, then the key to profit
             in a dynamic and changing world is the execution of assigned tasks and
             When an organization if facing an operational change, the
             organization must take steps to adapt to the new demands. This process is
             undertaken through a series of operational evaluations which can prepare
             the company to meet the coming demands. In preparing for a new level of
             service demand, there are 4 key elements to consider:
• Objectives identification
• Strategies development
• Writing and executing the plan.
             Of the key elements for executing a change process to meet a new level
             of demand, the first and most important element is putting in place
             leadership personnel which will be able to guide the change process.
             Mercer, (1991) in his book Strategic Planning for Public Managers says that
             "Leadership has been defined as finding a parade and getting in front of
             it. While it may be possible to start your own parade as well, it is
             important to assess your parade potential early in the planning process and
             determine that a need for the proposed service does in fact exist."
             According to Hellriegel, Slocum, Woodman in Organizational Behavior (2001),
             "Motivation represents the forces acting on or within a person that cause
             the person to behave in a specific, goal-directed manner...Because the work
             motives of employees affect their productivity; one of ma...

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Strategic planning within an organization. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 00:37, September 21, 2024, from