
             Women have continually asserted that they pay more than men for the
             same services. It is interesting to explore an article on the subject and
             answer questions concerning the microeconomics of the situation.
             Women claim salons charge them more than their male counterparts.
             The market that hairdressing salons operate in is the pure capitalism
             market. This market is "a system with private ownership of resources and
             the use of prices to coordinate economic activity in free, competitive
             Under this system, the operators can charge women more than men, citing the
             fact that it takes longer to cut and style a woman's hair than a man's.
             They state there is more labor involved, therefore they charge a higher
             There are a number of cost conditions which may force salons to
             charge higher prices for women's haircuts relative to men's haircuts.
             Women many times have longer hair, which requires additional time to cut
             and style. Women are conditioned to believe it is important to have their
             hair done in a salon, and are willing to spend the time to have their hair
             cut and styled appropriately. However, men generally have shorter hair,
             and just want to have their hair cut as quickly as possible to achieve an
             appropriate style. Also, women are more willing to pay higher prices,
             while men will go to another salon if they feel the price is too high.
             Salons are many times in competition with barbers for men's business,
             resulting in lower prices for men as a means to earn their business.
             Time for woman's cut - 45 min.
             Difference in time and labor -15 min.
             Results- Higher costs for woman's cut due to time and labor.
             There are differences in the cost of providing goods and servic

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Microeconomics. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 23:03, September 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/200621.html