Negotiation Strategies

             Today the increasing trend in hiring employees is to look at
             industries which are likely to require more employees in the immediate
             future than to look at the development of specialized skills among the
             employees. This is the opinion of some experts who have been even Secretary
             of Labor during the time of President Clinton. Others go to the extent of
             suggesting that jobs in American industry itself are dying out and in that
             case looking at industries which may give more jobs in the future are not
             Practical situation during the three years prior to 9/11 suggests that
             is not a realistic evaluation. That was a period when there were a lot of
             available jobs and even then the salary levels rose sharply. It was then
             that the organizations could not get enough employees from within their own
             system. This was due to the practice that the American companies had been
             following of hiring employees at the earliest possible and then continuing
             The requirement of certain specialized skills had risen sharply, and
             one of the original ideas that had been given at that time was to hire the
             required employees from outside. This was opposed by the employees as it
             felt that this would lead to reductions in opportunities for advancement
             for their members. To convince them the strategy then was then suggested
             was to give them guaranteed positions for two years irrespective of the
             foreign employees hired. It was also decided that the foreign employees
             would not be placed in positions above them in the salary levels. This
             negotiation strategy satisfied the demands of the employees. They felt
             secure about their jobs. The compulsion from their side was that they would
             have to learn the new skills that were required. The organization supported

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Negotiation Strategies. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 22:55, September 20, 2024, from