Hospital Case Study

             After gathering information, the main concern in conducting all case
             studies of problem situations, involves understanding and identifying the
             problem, defining goals and objectives, and evaluating the effects of the
             Faith Community Hospital, is experiencing several problems that
             combine under the categories of communication, ethical concerns, and
             The first area of difficulty in the hospital involves extensive
             communication problems, including, lack of regular all-staff meetings,
             effective method of communicating policy (including legal, ethical, and
             belief-based), a way to distribute directives concerning action plans for
             when ethical issues arise (and a write-up on how to identify those
             situations), a compelling patient-education policy, a way to evaluate staff
             knowledge about ethics, and the legal aspects of ethics in healthcare, and
             an advertising campaign to attract new patients.
             The second problem area has to do with "ethical issues." They
             include the lack of staff support in belief/ethical decisions made by
             patients, lack of patient concern for hospital policies, a clash between
             patient/doctor vs. the hospital, and a problem with staff either, allowing
             personal belief to go against hospital policy (the pharmacist), or hospital
             policy (or pro-hospital policy) to go against the best interest of the
             The third problem area involves organization.
             The lack of organization of the hospital is extremeâ€"so much so that
             the hospital's own CEO has no concept of what his role is, or how he can
             solve the problems the hospital is experiencing.
             Specifically, the hospital suffers from a lack of organization in
             operational organizationâ€"there is some level of confusion over individual
             staff's roles in dealing with problems, especially when they are of an

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Hospital Case Study. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 23:03, September 20, 2024, from