Introduction and description of the Human Resource problem experienced

             The case considered for this report is a department "Dept-1" in a civil
             service based organization. Dept-1 uses two classifications for its staff:
             the professional qualified staff and the non-professional qualified staff.
             Both grades of staff work fulltime in Dept-1. The professional staff
             however, belongs to another department, "Dept-2." This staff is on "loan"
             to Dept-1. Dept-1 and Dept-2 have different rules and regulation by which
             they expect their workers to perform. Dept-2 expects greater involvement
             from its staff (the professionally qualified workers) and the expectations
             do not change even thought the workers might be working in a different
             environment. The non-professional workers however, work under different
             employee-expectations. The department operates under two different
             operating principles. There are many additional variables that affect this
             department. These factors have not been analyzed and reviewed. The
             discussion and analysis of the problem will identify some of the main
             issues that the Human Resource department along with the two individual
             departments will have to consider prior to making any major structural
             The goals and objectives of the organization should be the main driving
             force for the organization. (Morgan, 1998) The ideal utilization of every
             resource is important for the organization to function smoothly. The human
             element in any organization provides the maximum variance. It also
             requires the most attention in the organization. When the department in
             which both categories of workers are employed cannot define common policies
             for both grades of workers, the motivation of the workers may be affected.
             When situations like this occur in a work environment, it can create
             confusion and discontent among the workers. Motivation theorists Abra...

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Introduction and description of the Human Resource problem experienced. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 20:35, September 20, 2024, from