Business Management Organization

             The management role has evolved as the concept of organization has
             changed. This concept now allows for four frameworks for leadership
             which can be used independently or in conjunction with each other. These
             frameworks are Structural, Human Resource, Political and Symbolic. The
             "structural manager tries to design and implement a process or structure
             appropriate to the problem and the circumstances, while the political
             leader understands the political reality of organizations and can deal with
             it. The human resource manager views people as the heart of any
             organization and attempts to be responsive to needs and goals to gain
             commitment and loyalty, and the symbolic leader views vision and
             inspiration as critical; people need something to believe in
             Theories of organization for businesses include the contingency
             theory which empathizes a "fit between the organization's structure, its
             size, its technology, and the requirements for its environment
             (" Environmental theories are
             concerned with the adaptation, natural selection, dependence and
             institutionalization. When an organization is well-adapted to its business
             environment, it will succeed while natural selection will cause those that
             are ill-adapted to perish. All business have "suppliers (inputs) and
             customers (outputs). Every company is dependent on both their suppliers
             and their customers for resources and money
             (" In terms of
             institutionalization, when there is uncertainty in a business matter,
             "organizations imitate others that appear to be successful
             The business world is constantly changing, making it necessary for
             managers to conform to their new roles as well as understanding the

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Business Management Organization. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 20:24, September 20, 2024, from