Critical thinking-definitions

             The ability to think critically has long been considered the most important
             trait any student or individual can possess to analyze information and
             reach unbiased conclusions. Critical thinking is therefore an important
             subject with educators of all disciplines trying to incorporate this skill
             in learning methodologies. But in order for someone who understand the
             concept and to incorporate it effectively, it is important to know what
             exactly is critical thinking. However this is not an easy task.
             It has been noticed that despite numerous the best efforts of thinkers,
             educators, and researchers, critical thinking has more or less remained an
             elusive asset and for this reason, there is no widely accepted definition
             of the concept. However since the beginning of 20th century, tremendous
             work has been done in this field and thinkers have developed some important
             definitions of the concepts. These definitions may not explain what
             precisely is critical thinking but they offer an insight into the various
             The first person to offer a sound definition of critical thinking was John
             Dewey who in 1909 presented a good if not complete definition of critical
             thinking. This definition has been repeatedly published and republished
             over the decades. According to Dewey, critical thinking is an:
             "Active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or
             supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it
             and the further conclusion to which it tends". (Dewey, 1933)
             This definition has served as the foundation for other definitions of
             critical thinking that were developed later. Dewey's definition is
             considered valuable since it was the first time someone has used the word
             active for critical thinking process to distinguish it from traditional
             Critical thinking is an active process, which allows individuals to
             actively participate in the analysis of information a...

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Critical thinking-definitions. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 20:32, September 20, 2024, from