As a valued customer, we demand a high level of quality from Thurmont. We
have found that attention to quality improves our operating efficiency and
decreases cost and that lack of quality results in lost business, lost
workers and negative impact on the bottom line. Quality represents the
success of Thurmont's materials, end product, workers and processes in our
We expect all materials to be free of manufacturing defects such as moldy
lumber, bowed studs and material shortages. We insist that all products be
built exactly to our design specifications. And, we require superior
products that are durable and well crafted.
To compete in the highly competitive construction market we need to have a
highly responsive customer service and technical service departments to
quickly resolve issues and we need to interface with a knowledgeable staff.
In particular, it is very important for our corporate purchasing and ASD
departments to maintain an open line of communication with Thurmont.
Because our company maintains just-in-time inventory operations, Thurmond
must facilitate upside production flexibility/material availability to
quickly respond to unplanned orders and must also provide accurate delivery
Ultimately, quality is about staying in business. Our quality requests may
seem high, but our own customers are just as demanding. If at any time
Thurmont's materials, end product, workers and processes don't work for us,
this will impact the way we are perceived by our customers and possibly
cause them to look else where for a vendor.