Participative Design

             The ideas of the approach to change, though presented in a view within a
             workforce environment, provided me an overview of how to become adaptive to
             change, and how to organize and redesign the structure and capabilities of
             a group. I consider that the approach presented can be applicable to
             Being able to learn how to become adaptive to change is a good value to
             learn. Especially that students usually experience group activities where
             individuals of different personalities, skills, and knowledge come
             together, it would be a factor to teamwork if every member is adaptive to
             change. The change that I can perhaps consider in a group activity is the
             experience of working and communicating with members of different
             I can make use of the idea presented in Design Principle 1 during large
             group activities. When a group comprises a large number of members, it is
             essential that someone will act as leader to guide and synchronize the
             group. The idea in Design Principle 2, on the other hand, can be helpful
             in a group activity where there is a small number of members. In this way,
             it will be helpful and useful to the result of an activity if every member
             can demonstrate and contribute his/her abilities and skills. The principle
             of "do-it-yourself", though in a group, is an opportunity for every member
             to use his/her talent while trying to synchronize and work in harmony with
             I learned that the idea of Participative Design is the main focus of the
             Design Principles 1 and 2 as applied in different form and structure of

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Participative Design. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 17:47, September 20, 2024, from