Valuing Individuals in the Workplace

             Valuing individuals in a workplace, despite of their differences and
             diversities, is an important factor in maintaining an organized work
             environment. From the source, "Valuing Individuals", Wachovia suggested
             work environment values and rules while addressing several employee
             relation issues that may exist in a workplace. Wachovia's workplace rules
             aim to provide ideas that can help organizations exemplify commitment, not
             only to customers and clients, but to the company's life as well - the
             Treat all employees with the highest level of professionalism,
             This preceding statement, according to the article, is the main foundation
             of the prescriptive rules for valuing individuals. Such prescriptive rules
             Being careful with words and actions, such as in delivery of jokes or
             comments, can help maintain a harmonious relationship within a work
             environment. Words and actions that demean an employee's reputation can
             harm employee relations. This includes improper treatment, offensive
             verbal communication, yelling, etc. It is suggested that the same business
             etiquette's an organization demonstrates to clients must also be exhibited
             During any incidence in a workplace, it is important that fair treatment is
             delivered to every employee, without any biased trial. Investigations must
             be based on facts and not on assumptions or opinions. This can be achieved
             through an accurate and timely documentation of
             workplace activities. Through this, wrong decisions can be prevented,
             thus, maintaining the company's integrity and credibility while valuing and
             Getting help from those in authority is advised especially during high-risk
             situations. This method can ensure that the concerned individual or group

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Valuing Individuals in the Workplace. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 17:48, September 20, 2024, from