The Changing Organizational Landscape of Business Communications in the Age of Information Technology

             One of the most vital factors that influence an improving and
             dynamically developing organizational system in the business sector is
             business communications. The emergence of business communication as an
             essential factor in improving and organizing the activities of people
             everyday resulted to the integration of communication as an element that
             must be considered in promoting effective organizational management. More
             importantly, business communications via the Internet (technological) media
             are considered the most flexible and effective forms of communication,
             making it easier for organizations to communicate and constantly interact
             with its members. Information dissemination and exchange among and within
             organizations also improves with the proliferation of e-mailing and
             Thus, the growing community of Internet technology users especially
             in the business sector increases the usefulness and value of technology
             communications at present. However, dysfunctions within the cyberspace
             culture proliferate, such as the spreading of viruses that either annoys
             the user or seriously damages the performance of computer systems.
             Jennifer Barrett, in a special report from Newsweek, addresses the issue of
             cyber security' in the growing community/organization that is called,
             "cyberspace." Recognition for cyberspace as an important organization that
             must have its own sets of rules, norms, members/users, and artifactsâ€"that
             is, cyberspace culture, security measures to assure that users of computer
             technology are not prevented from performing everyday activities due to
             system errors and dysfunctions caused by viruses and other computer
             glitches. This is manifested in the establishment of the National Cyber
             Security Division of the government's Department of Homeland Security,
             spearheading the program called, "National Cyber Alert System," which

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The Changing Organizational Landscape of Business Communications in the Age of Information Technology. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 08:36, January 21, 2025, from