Mission statement essay

             According to Professor Marilynn Weisensee of the State University of
             New York, a mission statement is a concise declaration of their individual
             beliefs which are then expressed in a creative way. (Almond, 1993) A
             company mission statement says much about the company, but also about how
             the company perceives itself, and how it goes about its business. The
             attitudes and priorities of the company are communicated in the mission
             statement, and as a college student looking for an employer, the attitudes
             of the company which most closely match my own attitudes and priorities
             about my career will present a positive match, and a potentially rewarding
             A company which states that its mission is to make profits is actually
             saying nothing about itself. All companies exist for the purpose of making
             a profit, otherwise they will cease to exist. This company would be better
             suited by reevaluating its position in the marketplace, and developing a
             mission statement which reflects its unique approach to business. This
             company could state "Our mission in the marketplace of the manufacture and
             distribute quality widgets which are value priced, and created financial
             reward for company, stockholders, and employees"
             A company which identifies its mission as one of creating customers
             understands that successful business is a function of building and
             maintaining quality relationships. This business understands that without
             customer relationships, the price and quality of it's products or services
             will have little influence over their continued survival. This company
             could further clarify its mission by saying "Our mission is to establish,
             build, and maintain quality relationship as we serve our customers widget
             Finally, a company which as developed a mission statement to fight
             world hunger has identified both its market, its purpose, and its reason
             for existence. This company is lik...

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Mission statement essay. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 15:15, September 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/200810.html