Blue Grocery Stores Case Study

             The warehouse supervisor's basic problem is that the warehouse is not
             adequately staffed during summer months. This problem exists because
             senior staff take vacation during summer, and because more sick leave is
             taken during summer. Staff shortages then become a problem. Attempts were
             made to solve the problem by hiring temporary replacement workers, but the
             high turnover of these employees only created more problems.
             This results in a situation where staff shortages occur during summer
             and where the supervisor has to deal with the problem of making sure all
             One suitable solution would be to introduce teamwork into the
             department, while combining this with a multi-skill program. This would
             mean that the whole department would operate as a team to complete all
             tasks, while all employees were able to complete a range of tasks. This
             solution would solve the problem because one employee being absent would
             not be such a problem if there were others present who could complete their
             job. This would provide a level of flexibility and allow Reed to manage a
             Workforce shortages could then be managed by offering current
             employees overtime or extra shifts. With this solution, the current
             workers would also be the replacement workers. This would provide Reed
             with an ongoing pool of workers. At the same time, these workers would be
             trained and experienced in the warehouse, reducing the need to constantly
             train new replacement workers. The multi-skill would also mean that the
             current workers would be able to cover the position of any other employee
             that is on vacation or takes sick leave.
             Overall, this would provide a pool of replacement works, while
             reducing training needs. At the same time, the team and multi-skill
             approach would give Reed the flexibility to manage changing staffing needs.

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Blue Grocery Stores Case Study. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 13:52, September 20, 2024, from