The Metamorphosis

             First published in 1915, the story of Gregor Samsa is that of a young
             traveling salesman who lives with and financially supports his parents and
             younger sister. One morning he wakes up to discover that during the night
             he has been transformed into a "monstrous vermin" some kind of creature
             which he no longer recognizes, nor can relate to those in his social
             setting. While his first thoughts are regarding how he can take care of
             his practical, everyday concerns: such as how to get out of bed, and walk
             with his numerous legs' Can he still make it to his place of work in time'
             His thoughts continue to center around the social responsibilities he
             However, his focus, interests and tastes soon begin to change. No one
             around him can understand his insect-speech. He is becoming one of the
             vermin, and likes to scurry under the furniture and scrounge rotten scraps
             of food. Gregor's family is terrified over what he has become. They keep
             him in his bedroom and refuse to interact with him. Only his sister Grete,
             someone who is close to him, demonstrates concern by bringing his food each
             The story has a tragic ending, as those who once were supported by
             Gregor turn against him. One day, when he breaks out and scurries into the
             living room, his father throws apples to fend off the monster. One of the
             apples becomes embedded in his back, eventually rots, and passes the
             infection to Gregor. When Gregor dies, the cleaning woman throws his
             In the modern world the evolution of a young adult to adult if filled
             with many of the same fears illustrated by Gregor. As a young adult, my
             goals are to become a productive part of the social order, build a career,
             have and provide for an enjoyable lifestyle, etc. However, in the process,
             I also do not want to become, and take the place of some of the
             reprehensible creatures which I see in the public and business arena today.

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The Metamorphosis. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 13:44, September 20, 2024, from