The Upward Mobility Program is an important vehicle for placement of
             women, minorities, and people with disabilities into such governmental
             positions where these people are under represented.
             The purpose of the Upward Mobility Program are to provide the means
             through which the capabilities of participants are increased to their
             fullest. Some other goals of the Upward Mobility Program are given below:
             1. It provides employees opportunities to for different career positions
             through planned on-the-job and formal training.
             2. It helps in increasing employee morale.
             3. It attempts to obtain maximum use of available skills to meet current
             4. It provides employees opportunities for development and advancement
             within and across occupational compositions.
             5. It offers several means for lower level employees to gain entry into
             6. It provides training to employees to prepare them to function
             effectively in a developmental position and provide the employee with
             increased knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the targeted duties.
             Importance of the Topic for Society or the Scientists
             The topic is important because it deals with the issue of the
             affirmative action and asks the question of what it is supposed to achieve
             and how it is supposed to achieve its objectives. It also provides a
             picture of the current public workforce. If hiring processes in public
             works were unbiased, and opportunities were evenly available to all
             citizens, workforces in general would naturally reflect the racial and
             sexual characteristics of the society. However, most workforces in
             different professions do not signify an even makeup of the society.
             Equality in profession and workforces is still a dream. Without providing
             some remedies and opportunities, these inequalities are likely to grow.
             Therefore, use of affirmative action has proven to

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UPWARD MOBILITY PROGRAM. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 13:36, September 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/200863.html