Verbal communication

             If Ross and Rachael are examples of positive interpersonal
             relationships, and their communication is an example of true interpersonal
             communication, the human race is in serious trouble. Ross and Rachael are
             clearly in love with each other, and have been for some time on the hit
             show Friends, but because neither know what to do with that the level of
             commitment which is required in order to make a loving relationship work,
             they fumbled around, in and out of different bedrooms, trying to find the
             next emotional high' like a drug addict stumbles from friend to friend
             The Luke and Leia Fantasy episode is a classic example of how two
             people can assume that their own thoughts and expectations are the same as
             someone else's. As a result, the two bypass each other, looking for a
             similarity in the other which will make them more comfortable with each
             other, and possibly use that connection as a basis for justifying their
             love. However, neither understands that the physiological and emotional
             differences between men and women will forever keep them fundamentally
             different, and that the difference is part of what is creating the
             As this level of shallow communication continues, as it has for Ross
             and Rachael, they wind up creating an all-inference confusion between the
             two of them. The one communicates in half sentences, and infers what is
             important to the other, expecting the other to pick up, and thereby show
             concern for his or her partner. However, the result is confusion, because
             communication requires complete thought, and clarity, and is rarely
             obtained by keeping the other one guessing.
             In this episode, when Rachael is finally aware of Ross's fantasy
             regarding Princess Leia, she is glad to play along, because she finally has
             a solid reference point at which to point her efforts. She is able to
             confirm her partner's value to her by being a part o

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Verbal communication. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 11:34, September 20, 2024, from