Enron Downfall

             We are trying to analyze the cause for the downfall of Enron. It is
             probably the biggest scandal of the connection between American politics
             and business. The dishonesty of the top executives of Enron is shown with
             examples, as also the connection between Enron and the top politicians of
             the present including those at the top. All the connections involve
             finance, and the giving of money. This money is deliberately kept outside
             taxation, and is not reported in full. These practices are known within the
             company and not reported or countered. What is the solution'
             What happened to Enron' Enron was the largest power and utilities
             broker at that time and it went bankrupt, and is probably the largest
             scandal in the history of American business and politics.
             What went wrong at Enron' - Almost everything. It rose from a small
             Texas gas company to become the seventh largest American Corporation,
             through the misuse of political influence and political decisions.
             Originally it made a profit in the trading of energy, by undertaking to
             deliver gas and oil to the utilities or other businesses at a fixed price
             on a fixed day. Then the energy market was deregulated, including the
             market for electrical power. This permitted Enron to move into brokering
             and trading of electricity and other energy commodities. This also required
             Enron to spend a lot of time and money in lobbying the Congress and
             legislatures in the states, as earlier these markets were reserved only for
             the public companies. (The Enron Story)
             The business of Enron grew and as a broker it started making money
             from the difference in its purchase and sale price energy and commodities.
             The prices were never declared. Competition forced them to increase their
             business and it started insuring customers for changes against...

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Enron Downfall. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 11:39, September 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/200894.html