Kill Mary to Save Jodie

             This is obviously an extremely difficult and emotional decision for
             the parents of these co-joined twins, and as such, they certainly should be
             the ultimate decision-makers in the life or death of their daughters. It
             is quite inconceivable that English law does not recognize the parents'
             wishes, or allows their wishes to take precedence in the final decision.
             Ultimately, it is the parents who will have to live with the survivor (if
             there is one), and ultimately it is the parents who will have to live with
             their decision to save one baby, if they choose to do this, or lose both
             babies. Morally and ethically, the decision should rest with the parents,
             and not with doctors who will not bear the consequences long after the
             operation is completed. Unfortunately, in this case the parents do not
             want to do anything, which will probably eventually kill both daughters.
             This is their decision and they must live with it. However, it is not for
             the courts to step in and play God, it is still the parents' decision, and
             It is easy to see how ethics play such an important part in this
             argument, and how feeling could grow heated on both sides. The sound
             decision by the parents would seem to be to save Jodie so at least one of
             their daughters can go on to lead a meaningful and productive life. As it
             is, Mary will almost certainly die, and she may sap Jodie's strength so
             much that she eventually dies too. Since Jodie has a good chance of
             surviving without Mary, it seems the most ethical choice for the parents
             would be to save Jodie, and mercifully end Mary's life, which will never be
             It seems almost selfish of the parents to place everything in God's
             hands, while they make no decision. Ultimately, this releases them of all
             responsibility in the case, and that is not right. The parents should make
             a decision, no matter how difficult it may be,

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Kill Mary to Save Jodie. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 11:31, September 20, 2024, from