Marx and Engel's conceptions about happiness refer mostly to labor
and how you can achieve happiness through labor. As described on one of
the Internet websites, "happiness involves expressing our species
nature"[1] and this species nature', the thing that makes us different
from other species is our ability to be creative and, especially, to "labor
creatively". Admitting in their works that happiness was the supreme end
and goal of man, Marx and Engels sought to achieve this type of material
happiness through "organized collectivism"[2], because history and society
itself was determined by basic economic needs. A better organized
collective would have had more chances to achieve the material happiness
they saw for man. So, both Marx and Engels, founders and theoreticians of
communism saw happiness as being material, determined by the best assurance
Jeremy Bentham's definition of happiness can be found in one of his
first books, published in 1768 when he was only 20 years old and called The
First Principles of Government and the Nature of Political, Civil and
Religious Liberty. In this book, he states that "the good and happiness of
the members, that is the majority of the members of the state, is the great
standard by which every thing relating to that state must finally be
determined." Of course, it is not a full definition of the concept, but it
gives us a first idea about what happiness is according to Bentham: it is a
great standard", to which everything relates, as well as a goal of the
members of society. Further more, he points out towards the fact that the
individual's happiness must be subordinated to that of his community. By
pointing out the two "sovereign masters" of a person's conduct, pain and
pleasure, Bentham shows that the laws need to make the sanctions
sufficiently painful so that the individual's pleasure should not impact on