Entrepreneurship and New Venture Planning

             The authors argue that in entrepreneurship and new venture planning,
             one needs to consider several things. Starting a new venture is not always
             easy and sometimes, new ventures often lead to failure. Therefore, it
             becomes important for the entrepreneur to find the right business
             opportunity. If one does not possess clear idea of the goals of the
             venture, it is unlikely that the venture would be a success. The authors
             state that there are some basic things that a person should do before
             First, the entrepreneur should be able to answer the question of
             whether or not his idea is practical and whether it would fill a need for
             the customers (Porter, 1980). The second important thing is that he should
             be able to clearly define who would be the customers and who would be
             competitors of the venture. Third, he should be able to tell the business
             advantages of a new venture over the existing competitors. Finally, he
             should be able to illustrate how he can provide a better quality service to
             In order to be successful, one is required to do a great deal of
             planning and understanding about the market. In this respect, one needs to
             be clear about the locations, operations, skills, and financial
             requirements that are required for the success of the business. While one
             cannot emphasize the needs of business plan, it has been found that very
             few people really spend time in clearly writing a business plan. The main
             reasons for it is that people believe on their feelings and forget to
             understand what it takes for a business to be successful. A business plan
             brings together financial estimates and expected future target of the
             business and the potential requirements for employees. The authors also
             talk about the personal qualities of the entrepreneurs. According to the
             authors, the entrepreneurs are highly motivated and risk takers. They are

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Entrepreneurship and New Venture Planning. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 07:37, September 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/201025.html