Process of Change From Rookie into a Pro

             Life demands changes. In the diverse challenges that we face in our
             everyday living, there are times when we come to realize that we have to
             change something to meet our goals and needs. Such times demand process of
             One process of change that everyone perhaps wishes to achieve, in any form
             of personal skills, talents, or abilities, is turning from a rookie into a
             pro. One may perhaps be able to identify personalities whom they know have
             once started as rookies, and are now being admired for being among the
             With an enthusiasm to be one of the best in his field of interest, people
             usually have a notion that the only thing they need to do to be a pro is to
             give their best. This usually involves the thought of aiming for the goal
             of being always accurate and 100 percent correct in every activity
             involving one's skill. However, if we have to look deeper, the process of
             change in turning from a newcomer or beginner (rookie) into an experienced
             or professional (pro) individuals in a particular field involves quite a
             number of rules and steps to successfully reach the goal.
             The term rookie is used to define someone who is new in his field. In any
             new field of interest, one always starts as a rookie. A rookie always
             begins his activities with the most basic skills from where the development
             and "gaining of touch" of the fundamentals starts. From the fundamentals,
             a rookie can be oriented of the essence of his field of interest. Also,
             from the simple tasks, a rookie can be able to gain key points that he can
             apply in his future dealings. Perhaps, we can easily understand the terms
             "rookie" and "pro" from one of the games we love to watch basketball.
             The process of change of turning a rookie into a pro develops in time. A
             rookie is never a rookie, and should never always be a rookie. Through
             time and through the different challenges and tasks a rookie has to meet,

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Process of Change From Rookie into a Pro. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 07:32, September 20, 2024, from