Sales improvement

             In order to increase the market share of a product which has stalled
             in the marketplace, the company would be wise to undertake an Ansoff
             evaluation. The Ansoff Matrix, developed by Igor Ansoff, (Hussey, 1999)
             presented a strategy for business to use in order to investigate its
             current markets, and customers, and evaluate potential markets, products
             and customers. The Ansoff matrix is a tool to use when evaluating the
             life cycle of a product. The matrix was developed in order to help
             businesses break down, and identify the strengths and weaknesses of a
             product , and determine the sectors which the company can and should apply
             marketing research to in order to expand their products market penetration,
             market share, and build on any company momentum toward introducing
             additional products. This evaluation is used when a product has plateau-ed
             in the marketplace, or the company overall is plateau-ing, and needs to
             |The Ansoff Matrix |Existing Products |New Products |
             |Existing Markets |Entrenchment, Do |New product |
             | |nothing, Withdraw, |development: finding |
             | |Consolidate, |new ways to serve the |
             | |strengthen existing |existing customer base|
             | |brand awareness, |with new ideas |
             | |increased market | |
             | |penetration. | |
             |New Markets |Market development: |Product and market |
             | |Finding markets for |diversification |
             | |existing products. | |
             Sector One evaluations help the organization identify how they can
             increase their current market share, and what steps they need to take to
             achieve these goals. Sector Two analysis is a marketing analysis. The
             company undertakes a market...

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Sales improvement. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 02:35, September 20, 2024, from