Issues in Marketing in Ecommerce Personalization as Distinct from Customization in ecommerce

             What is the difference between customization and personalization of an
             eCommerce website' To understand the distinction, one must first
             understand the definitional difference between these two terms in the land
             of eCommerce. To enable a consumer to customize his or her product, a
             customer is able to, with a fair amount of speed and ease, render, change,
             or utilize the product in such a fashion so that it may uniquely speak to
             his or her needs. To engender a website that is personalized, however,
             merely means that that the virtual space has a quality of friendliness or
             specificity that is not necessarily specifically tailored to the individual
             customer, in the customer's hands, but merely creates a kind of
             personalized ambiance or ease of use to all customers.
             Consider the website One of the website's unique features
             is that it enables a customer to customize his or her personal settings,
             when surfing the site. For instance, the customer can arrange to receive
             periodic updates when his or her favorite authors have just produced a
             particular piece of writing. Customers can create lists that do not
             necessarily serve the vending purposes of the author of the website. For
             instance, in marketing a particularly unusual book, a customer who was
             taken by Gravity's Rainbow can list other such postmodern fiction upon a
             list that can be accessed by other users of the website, seeking to buy
             Ultimately, the customer profits from the website because
             he or she can scan such customized lists, meet people online whom have
             similar literary interests, and also put his or her own interests on a mass
             marketed website in such a fashion that his or her own erudition is exposed
             in a public forum, much like a diary. The website owner benefits from such
             customized lists because individuals are encouraged to buy books of a
             similar type, when they see them listed ...

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Issues in Marketing in Ecommerce Personalization as Distinct from Customization in ecommerce. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 00:04, September 20, 2024, from