The Struggle for Freedom

             Both of these characters want freedom from oppression, and freedom to
             do what they desire, when they desire it. This does not seem to be too
             much to ask, but in the 19th century when they lived, their lives were not
             their own, in effect, they lived at the whim of others, and they both hated
             living that way. Douglass wrote, "Colonel Lloyd could not brook any
             contradiction from a slave. When he spoke, a slave must stand, listen, and
             tremble; and such was literally the case" (Douglass, 1995, p. 10). His
             life is bound to another, and so is Hedda's, for she is bound to her
             husband, like all married women of Victorian times. Hedda is a
             disagreeable character, but she is nevertheless a strong and opinionated
             woman, whether the reader likes her or not. She is held captive by society
             and in a marriage she abhors. Her friend, Mrs. Elvsted says, "They may say
             what they like, in heaven's name. I have done nothing but what I had to
             do" (Ibsen, 1905, p. 272), but Hedda does not have the courage to do the
             same thing - pack up and leave her husband, despite what a shocked society
             would say. Both of these characters have much in common, even though it
             Both Douglass and Hedda lead miserable lives during their struggle to
             be free, but both are determined to gain their freedom. Douglass says,
             "This battle with Mr. Covey was the turning-point in my career as a slave.
             It rekindled the few expiring embers of freedom, and revived within me a
             sense of my own manhood" (Douglass, 1995, pp. 43). Hedda also longs for
             her own freedom. She muses, "Oh, what a sense of freedom it gives one,
             this act of Eilert LÖvborg's. BRACK. Freedom, Miss Hedda' Well, of
             course it's a release for him------. I mean for me. It gives me a sense
             of freedom to know that a deed of deliberate courage is still possible in
             this world,-- a deed of immutable beauty" (Ibsen, 1905, p. 356). Of

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The Struggle for Freedom. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 00:01, September 20, 2024, from