Selection of five children's books will be made in the paper. To discuss or
             treat the issue about death and dying the paper will include books from the
             period of 1980 till the present times. Summary of the information from
             these five books will be provided in the paper, focusing on the following
             1. What understanding or impression would children have of the issue
             discussed after reading or having the books read to them'
             2. Do the books treat the subject in the same way' If not, comment on or
             compare viewpoints amongst the books.'
             3. Perhaps you feel some books are better at dealing with the issue than
             others. If the book is fiction, comment on your reactions to how the story
             treats the issue. If the book is nonfiction, how factual and objective is
             The books will be discussed both in individual and collective form so as
             to provide a true and fair view of the information which are presented in
             these books. The consideration and importance of these books will relate to
             the point as to how the authors of these books have foster better
             understanding for children regarding the issue of death and dying.
             The five books, which are selected for the development of the paper, are as
             1) Sad Isn't Bad: A Good-Grief Guidebook for Kids Dealing With Loss
             by Authors: Michaelene Mundy , R. W. Alley
             by Authors: Maria Shriver , Sandra Speidel
             4) Why Do People Die' Helping Your Child Understand with Love and
             Cynthia MacGregor, David Clark (Illustrator)
             Mass Market Paperback, April 1998
             "Young children may ask very direct questions about death, if given the
             opportunity. It is important to be honest and consistent with your
             responses. If they ask a question that you do not know the answer to, it is
             acceptable for you to say so, rather than make up an answer. Children at a
             very young age can detect falseness in an answer. ...

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CHILDREN'S BOOKS ON DEATH AND DYING. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 21:43, September 19, 2024, from