
Competitor Analysis

             Before starting a competitor analysis, we need to underline the main
             aspects that need to be addressed in such an analysis. According to one of
• Names of competitors
• Summary of each competitor's products
• Competitors' strengths and weaknesses
• Competitors' strategies and objectives
• Strength of the market
             I will pick one of the competitors in the clothing industry and go
             through each of these steps. I have picked Benetton as one of the most
             representative companies in the clothing industry.
             Today, Benetton is present in 120 countries around the entire world.
             The initial Italian style was worked on and applied to the different brands
             that make up the Benetton group nowadays. I am referring here to Sisley
             ("more fashion-oriented[2]") and to the sportswear brands Playlife and
             Killer Loop. The retail network of 5,000 stores generated in 2003 a total
             If we are referring to the Benetton products, we should note the fact
             that the company has chosen to combine "color, energy and practicability"
             so that the Benetton clothing line can be worn almost anywhere, from work
             to the outdoors and leisure. The clothing line includes womenswear,
             menswear, childrenswear and underwear collections. If we are analyzing the
             two main components, womenswear and menswear, we can state that the former
             can be characterized by the use of lots of light materials, silk among them
             and includes jackets, tops, skirts and trousers. As for the men's
             clothing, this is more inclined towards a casual and relaxed look, with
             shirts and soft-jackets, as well as "multi-zipped and multi-pocketed pants,
             loose shirts and printed T-shirts"[3].
             One of the most important part of the competitor analysis refers to

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Competitor Analysis. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 21:46, September 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/201220.html