Hindu Mythology or religion has a unique triad known Trimurti, which
             comprises of three important gods, each of whom has a special attribute and
             responsibility. These three are Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. Vishnu is
             believed to be the second in rank and was not a very important figure in
             ancient Hindu Vedas. However it was only with latter development and
             evolution of Hindu mythology that Vishnu became an important god, only
             Vishnu is considered the preserver or sustainer of the Universe and while
             he was important when he first appeared, it is widely believed that he is
             more powerful in his subsequent incarnations. Hindu religion states that
             ten incarnations of Vishnu are expected. Alan Hefner writes: "â€it is
             thought that ten such incarnations or reincarnations of Vishnu will occur.
             Nine descents are said to have already occurred, the tenth is yet to come.
             Rama and Krishna were the seventh and eighth". He is believed to a supreme
             deity with many unique attributes that are normally assigned to the one
             Great Creator of the Universe. For example, he considered an omnipresent,
             supreme entity that preserves the world. Wikipedia lists some important
             "Vishnu possesses six such divine glories, namely,
             jñãna [Omniscient]
             tejas [Resplendent.]" (Wikipedia)
             Vishnu may not be a god in the original sense of the term because there is
             little concrete evidence supporting the theory. Many are of the view that
             in Indian mythology many heroes or legends were turned into gods and
             assigned god-like attributes. Vishnu juts might have been a hero who was
             later given the status of a god as Alan Hefner explains:
             " [An] Interesting speculation concerning Vishnu's role as preserver among
             many modern scholars is that it is characteristi

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VISHNU AND KRISHNA. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 21:22, September 19, 2024, from