Three Counseling Theories

             Working models in counseling theory can be as varied as the number of
             authors who write on the subject. Like all fields of psychology, counseling
             in still relatively new and those involved in the field are still testing
             and applying the theorems put forth by earlier writers in an attempt to
             determine a best-fit practice for helping people master the world around
             them. Regardless of the theory chosen the professional must make sure that
             that which is purported as a usable theoretical paradigm is congruent with
             one's own personal values, personality, and professional skills. The
             remainder of this paper will focus on three different counseling theories
             with respect to their similarities, differences, and applicability in the
             advent of the twenty first century. The chosen theories are representative
             of the cognitive, psychodynamic, and behavioral approaches to counseling.
             Cognitive Approach to Counseling This particular approach to
             counseling is based on the theory that a person's thoughts are directly
             related to how they feel. Counseling therapists who are followers of this
             particular theorem work with clients' everyday problems from the
             perspective of helping them identify fields or instances of distorted
             thinking that are the cause of their emotional angst. Sub-systems of the
             cognitive counseling domain include rational-emotive-behavioral counseling
             (Ellis, 1998), reality therapy (Glasser, 1989), cognitive-behavioral
             (Bandura, 1974), and transactional analysis (Sills & Hargaden, 2003). With
             respect to the aforementioned counseling subsystems less emphasis is placed
             on historical insights into the behavioral dysfunctional and more on
             present conditions causing the emotional discomfort. Cognitive therapies
             are generally best fit to deal with lesser problems such as mil...

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Three Counseling Theories. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 19:43, September 19, 2024, from