Because of its institutionalization as a profession, accountancy
often has more legitimacy as a profession in the eyes of many individuals,
as opposed to more vague notions of what constitutes financial management.
However, simply because his or hers is a newer position within the American
corporate financial structure and hierarchy, this does not mean that a
financial manager is simply a so-called glorified accountant.' (Brearley,
2003) In contrast to accountants, the role of a financial managers tend to
be both more diffuse and qualitative in nature. Its lack of definition can
be a strength and a source of interest for a potential financial manager,
The U.S. Department of Labor, states that as well as organizing
financial data like accountants do, many financial managers are spending
more time developing strategies and implementing the long-term goals of
their organization. (Job Outlook, 2004)
The distinction between long and short term is very important in
understanding the difference between financial managers and accountants.
Unlike an accountant's more retrospective outlook on the organization's
financial quarters of the past, a financial manager has a crucial role in
determining what potential strategies will be for the organization over the
coming year, focusing on the present and the future.
For instance, pricing goods against competitors, suggesting cutting
costs in particular areas while shifting profits to others all come more
under a financial manager's rubric of analysis. To suggest a price a
financial manager must have a clear understanding of the nature and
marketing texture' product being sold, as well as only its profitability,
which is more of an accountant's focus. (Daly, 2004)
Financial managers unlike accountants also tend to have more
responsibility for managing individuals vertically in the organization,