Elizabeth Bishop The Fish

             Elizabeth Bishop is a poet that is often admired for her vivid
             descriptive poetry. Her interest in reading and writing came early in life
             as she suffered from several illnesses that caused her to spend many hours
             alone. (Gale) Many critics admire Bishop's objectivity "because she was
             interested in viewing details spontaneously, without imposed
             rationalizations, in the manner of a naturalist" (Gale). Bishop is also
             known for writing poems about ordinary experiences that "convey subtle
             revelations" (Gale). One excellent example of this can be seen in her
             poem, "The Fish." The poet's observation in this poem not only creates an
             image of the fish for the reader, but it also expands the scope of the
             "The Fish" is a narrative poem in which the poet discovers the beauty in
             nature. The poem displays Bishop's use of rhetorical and sound devices as
             well as tone, metaphor, symbolism, personification, simile, and imagery.
             While the poem seems to be about the simple experience of catching a fish,
             The poet sets the tone of the poem by using very short line lengths.
             This represents the poet's short thoughts she experienced while fishing.
             This structure also captures our attention.
             Perhaps the most striking feature of this poem is the poet's careful
             attention to detail. For example, we are told, "He didn't fight./He hadn't
             fought at all" (5-6). This causes us to feel sympathy for the fish almost
             immediately. Additionally, the poet tells us the fish was "battered and
             venerable/and homely" (7-8). An example of the poet's use of simile can be
             seen when we are told the fish's "brown skin hung in strips/like ancient
             wallpaper," (10-11) and was shaped "like full-brown roses/stained and lost
             through age (14-15). These images present us with a fish that is old and
             worn who no longer has the strength to fight for life.

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Elizabeth Bishop The Fish. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 15:50, September 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/201341.html