Disney Theme Park

             It is impossible to find the Walt Disney Company mission statement in
             a publicly accessible place. However, there are two things that function
             company-wide as a mission statement. One of these is a famous statement by
             founder Walt Disney: "I only hope we don't lose sight of one thingâ€"it was
             all started by a mouse." (Disney corporate Web site)
             The second thing is that the company's product is happiness,
             according the Martinez, writing in HRMagazine. (1992)
             According to one researcher, "The company's original mission was to
             nurture the imaginations of children around the world as well as to
             celebrate American values'." (Case study Web site)
             The organizational structure is similar to other divisions of any
             major conglomerate. In the Disney scheme of things, the theme parks are
             just one tentacle of the octopus diagram that forms the Disney corporate
             whole. The tentacles are ABC television network, 10 broadcast TV stations,
             and more than 70 radio stations, plus states in ESPN (80%) and A&E (38%)
             Walt Disney Studios is another tentacle, including Walt Disney Pictures,
             Touchstone, Hollywood Pictures and Miramax. Walt Disney Internet Group
             oversees the company's Web properties, ABC.com, Disney Online, ESPN.com).
             Walt Disney Parks & Resorts includes Walt Disney World and Disneyland, as
             well as 39% of Disneyland Paris; it earns royalties on Tokyo Disneyland. It
             also owns pro hockey team Mighty Ducks of Anaheim and the town of
             Celebration, a town of 2,500 founded in 1994. (Hoovers Online)
             Arguably, within that structure at the theme parks, the corporate
             culture-oriented managers wield a great deal of power. Each employee is
             called a cast member,' and is requiredâ€"as is managementâ€"to be clean-shaven
             if male, and not to wear dangling earrings if female. The training is in
             how to be informal, personable and ...

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Disney Theme Park. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 15:54, September 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/201348.html