Hamlet: Highlight and Discussion of Famous Phrases, Lines and Quotes

             Shakespeare is one of the eighteenth centuries best-known literature
             writers. In his famous play "Hamlet" he has shown the power and
             determination of a man in love Shakespeare's Hamlet is dominated by the
             complex, absorbing character of its primary figure, that being the young
             prince Hamlet. The most famous soliloquy is " To be or not to be is the
             Question". Hamlet declares that the "To be, or not to be" passage was
             originally staged as "a contrived soliloquy, spoken by Hamlet to mislead
             other characters about his state of mind"
             "To be or not to be"
             For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
             Hamlet is quoting a question as to who can bear the pain and tortures of
             time. Here hamlet is showing his feeling and desire to end his life and
             commit suicide. He says that how many people in this world are capable of
             bearing the torture and pains of life, which keep increasing as life goes
             In present times, We can see that in present times life brings a new
             tragedy everyday, thus hamlets famous line is applicable to present
             Hamlet further on goes to say that, when the oppressor or a dictator or
             simply a tyrant ruler of a country does something wrong no one can question
             him or his decisions as he is the superior. Hamlet is speaking about the
             king and is giving reference to him being an oppressive ruler of the land.
             The profound nature of a member of the monarchy complaining about
             oppressors' wrongs only recently became apparent due to tragic events in
             France. Now, we can see with the hindsight generally appropriate only for
             Hamlet quotes that when a man becomes proud due to status, power and money
             he starts to abuse and insult man who are lower then him. He says that men

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Hamlet: Highlight and Discussion of Famous Phrases, Lines and Quotes. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 04:34, September 18, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/201426.html