The Human Brain

             I believe that my brain is the determinant of my personality. So in
             that sense the "self" that I experience every day does reside in my brain.
             In terms of spirituality, there are those who believe there is a soul with
             an existence apart from both the body and the brain. I however do not
             believe this. Everything is dependent on the brain, including ideas and
             ideals relating to religion. I therefore do not think that my existence
             can be separated from my brain, although this view is from a purely
             physiological perspective. There simply is no evidence to the contrary. I
             also don't think that I can see my mind as different or something separate
             from my body. My brain is part of my body and integrates itself in my
             survival by regulating all the functions I depend on every day.
             The role of neurotransmitters is to facilitate communication between
             brain synapses. It is therefore a chemical that helps the brain perform
             its function effectively. Both the neurological and the endocrine systems
             are important for human survival. The neurological system then helps human
             beings cope with the variety of specific and unique situations they find
             themselves every day. Specific responses are required in every area of
             life, including work, relationships, society, and so on. This is then
             necessary for conscious adaptation to human situations encountered by the
             The endocrine system is necessary in order to help the human response
             to the environment. Environmental changes would then trigger subconscious
             adaptation processes regulated by the endocrine system. The combination of
             the two systems is beneficial in terms of helping human beings cope both
             with the conscious process of adapting and dealing with individual life,
             and adapting collectively to the general environment and its changes.

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The Human Brain. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 04:25, September 18, 2024, from