Dogar, R., & Peraino, K. (1999). Wired for the bottom line: The Leaders of

             We are witnessing a paradigm shift in communication technology and
             the internet has affected every aspect of your lives. The internet has fast
             developed into one of the important commercial and educational
             communication mediums of the modern world. The unlimited possibilities of
             the web, has wooed all kinds of entrepreneurs to explore the online medium
             for expanding their businesses. Ecommerce has evolved a great deal and is
             viewed as an efficient and economical way of conducting business. However
             the anonymous nature of the internet media has also contributed to security
             concerns, theft of intellectual property, identity theft and privacy
             concerns among other related problems like hacking, snooping etc. With
             computers invading the health care, insurance and other important sectors
             of our life, concerns over privacy and security of data have become all the
             more pronounced. Over the years regulatory restrictions have been enforced
             and are continuously being refined to make the internet a safe and secure
             place to learn, communicate and do business with. Let us discuss in a
             little detail these various issues concerned with the use of internet, and
             in the process look at the laws and other regulatory measures that are in
             The free nature of the internet implies that anyone could use the
             medium to obtain or steal confidential information about others and use it
             for personal gains. This theft of information or gathering information
             without the consent of the user is a big problem on the internet. With
             ecommerce flourishing rapidly, identity theft has become an annoying
             problem. Though current encryption systems provide good security to
             sensitive data like credit card information when they are on transit, we
             are still very concerned about the safety of these sensitive data store on
             the ISP servers. There are a growing number of instances every year where
             hackers have successfully ...

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Dogar, R., & Peraino, K. (1999). Wired for the bottom line: The Leaders of. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 04:22, September 18, 2024, from