Mohandas Gandhi recognized as one of the greatest leaders and thinkers of the 20th Century

             Mohandas Gandhi, born to a merchant cast in India, defied his family and
             caste beliefs by studying law in England. This experience broadened his
             view of the British Empire. He found that he was often accepted there as an
             equal. After he finished his studies in England he returned to India, but
             was not terribly successful. Eventually he was hired by a company in 1893
             to represent their interests in the British colony of Natal in Africa. He
             was the first "colored lawyer allowed to practice in Natal and did well.
             However, he discovered that Indians in Natal were harshly
             discriminated against. He believed that as a British subject he should be
             treated as the equal to the Englishmen in Natal and organized the Natal
             Indian Congress to work for Indian rights. However, he remained loyal to
             the British, intending to change their policies. He helped organize
             ambulance services during the Boer War and also helped against a Zulu
             In 1906, however, when no changes had occurred, he developed the
             philosophy of civil disobedience, based on writings of Thoreau, Tolstoy and
             Jesus Christ. He refused to comply with discriminatory laws, which put him
             Finally in 1914 the government made some concessions including the
             recognition of Indian marriages and dropping the poll tax for Indian
             In India he began working for "swaraj," or home rule for India. He
             worked hard to unite Hindus and Muslims, traditional opponents, to work for
             this goal. In 1920, arguing that dependence on English goods had undermined
             Indian self-sufficiency and economy, he urged all to spin their own yarn
             and weave their own cloth rather than buy British cloth. This led to his
             first imprisonment in India. In 1930, to protest a salt tax, he led a 200-
             mile march to the sea and taught the people to gather and refine the law.
             Once again he was imprisoned. Through this process he saw h

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Mohandas Gandhi recognized as one of the greatest leaders and thinkers of the 20th Century. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 04:38, September 18, 2024, from