Speeches of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln Compared

             Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln are both addressing people who are
             experiencing a difficult time in history. In fact, both men are facing the
             issue of a nation at war. Jefferson was speaking to a nation that was
             seeking its independence from a separate country. Lincoln was addressing a
             country that was facing an internal war. Both men were forced to look at
             what government meant for the people and more importantly, they had to
             decide if that government was worth fighting to keep. In the face of
             tension and strife, Jefferson and Lincoln produced documents that not only
             helped to settle growing conflicts, but also helped define America as it
             In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson is speaking for a group
             people that desire to break free from the control of Great Britain. He is
             also addressing the British government. His views must be understood by
             both sides in order to be successful. Jefferson laid this document out in
             a superb manner, beginning with the statement that people must, at times,
             "dissolve the political bands" (Jefferson) which have previously bound them
             to one another. In addition, it is important to note that at the time,
             Jefferson and the other framers was drafting an incredible document because
             they were speaking out against the British monarchy, which was no small
             event. They were risking practically everything by committing treason.
             Jefferson believed that the colonists had every right to rebel against
             Britain. For one thing, they had not considered themselves part of British
             system for some years. There were two points that caused Jefferson to
             believe this way. One significant point that Jefferson makes is that all
             people are created equal and, as a result, have to right to pursue life,
             liberty, and happiness. These are the infamous inalienable rights with
             which every American citizen is born. Another point he makes in the

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Speeches of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln Compared. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 07:07, September 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/201577.html