Poverty is a major cause of stress, as it leads to a feeling of total
helplessness. It can be extremely difficult if not downright impossible to
break free from the cycle of poverty, for low-paying jobs rarely lead
anywhere and many families struggle just to get by. Without opportunities
for advancement, people who are poor have little recourse but to seek
public services. Unfortunately few public services offer the opportunities
the poor need to make any significant changes to their lives. It is hard to
avoid feeling helpless when dealing with poverty, but being proactive and
positive in outlook can immensely help.
Depression can be more common in women than in men because of the
difficulties women have dealing with their conflicting roles. This problem
becomes especially apparent in a multicultural, multiethnic society, as
women deal with the conflicting expectations of their family members versus
the expectations of the mainstream society or the media. Moreover, women
earn less money than men for the same amount of work, have a hard time
getting promotions or advancements, have few role models to look up to, and
are often thrust into single parenthood. However, men could be just as
depressed as women on the whole, but men deal with uncomfortable emotions
differently than women. The behavior of a depressed male would seem totally
different from that of a depressed female.
Stoicism and quietly tolerating suffering can be admirable qualities.
Whining and complaining rarely lead to any positive changes. Therefore, it
can be beneficial for people who are poor or powerless to develop a hardy
personality. This type of personality is adaptive in a harsh world, as it
enables people to make the best with what they have and find healthy ways
of dealing with it. However, in some cases it might be better for people to
take out their anger in appropriate ways to force positive chang...