Discovery of How to Remove a Bumper Sticker

             My dad was so mad when I put a political bumper sticker on the back
             window of the car. I had just started to drive, and I felt I was entitled
             to make a political statement, but my Mom and Dad, who also drove that car,
             didn't agree. It said "Kthulu for President - why settle for the lesser of
             two evils'" The humor was lost on them, and I was told in no uncertain
             So I went outside with at wet sponge and tried to soak it off. Surface
             layers peeled off but what remained was a mess. I went in for a flat head
             screwdriver, thinking it would scrape better, and my mother said "If you
             scratch that window because of your stunt, expect to pay for it." This is
             when I first began to realize just how irritated they were. So I went back
             out with the sponge, soaked it again, and started scraping with my
             fingernail. It was going very slowly and making a big mess on the back of
             It was my neighbor across the street who came to my rescue. "Here, use
             this," he said. It was a gadget that held a razor blade. With this little
             tool, I had the entire sticker, including all the glue, completely off the
             window. The scraps were in bigger pieces and easy to clean up.
             I thanked him, and that was when it dawned on me: always have the
             right tool for the job. Don't try to set a screw with a hammer, and don't
             use a screwdriver as a glass scraper. I discovered that it can be worth
             spending a dollar or two (a window scraper is quite inexpensive) to get a

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Discovery of How to Remove a Bumper Sticker. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 15:46, September 19, 2024, from