How I Define Best When Selecting People Who Will Join a Workforce

             The term "best" when selecting people who will join a workforce does not
             necessarily mean that the people to hire are those that excel or those that
             top among the rest. The term "best", in terms of human resource hiring,
             should mean "the most fit" or "the most suitable" for a particular job. As
             a human resource director, this meaning of the term is very important in
             the objective of placing the right employee that can provide the right
             The term "best" covers a number of factors when selecting the right
             candidate who will fill a job. It may look into aspects of an individual's
             intelligence, capabilities, or abilities. However, finding a candidate who
             excels in these aspects are not the only important requirements that must
             be considered to make a candidate eligible in filling a job position. It
             is unfortunate that some human resource staff considers the contrary of
             this when qualifying job applicants.
             Intelligence, capabilities, and abilities are indeed important when
             selecting the right individual who will join our workforce. But, these are
             not the only qualities that define "best" in our selection of job
             applicants. "Best" for us means someone who is capable of handling the
             general and overall responsibilities a job entails. "Best" for us includes
             not only the intelligence or abilities of an individual but also the will
             of the person to perform his duties. In fact, intelligence should not be
             the foremost criteria to consider a person as the "best" among job
             applicants. Instead, the foremost should be the dedication of an
             individual in accomplishing the duties his job entails. For instance, a
             person who is highly intelligent and well-equipped on the technical
             requirements of a job may not be the "best" for a job position because he
             is lazy. Comparing to such individual, a person who is not so excellent in
             the technical requirements of a job but is very much willing to lear...

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How I Define Best When Selecting People Who Will Join a Workforce. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:01, September 19, 2024, from