E Commerce: Drill-Down Report

             My company frequently uses the drill-down report for managing the
             sales and costs, according to the regions, states, city, and county. As
             drill-down report is frequently used with group sections and detail data;
             the detail data section is hidden with drill-down capability, and all that
             is visible when the report opens is the summary information of the sales
             and costs in the group section. A drill-down on a summary item such as the
             sale of a product in the group section displays the detail data. The net
             effect in this case is to initially hide the data but still make it
             available interactively on demand when a user wants to view it. As the
             user moves the mouse over a hidden drill-down- capable section, the mouse
             cursor changes into a magnifying glass. This signals that a double- click
             In other cases, in drill-down report, a sub-report can be embedded
             within another report. This design element is used to separate and
             organize information, promote re usability in data reporting, and in some
             cases, enhance the performance of a report. Sub-reports can contain any
             element that a main report can contain and support the same drill-down
             capabilities and suppressing options as their main report counterparts. By
             inserting sub-reports on sales of products based on region, states, city,
             and county, the company can gain a better understanding of the sales and
             The relationship between the sub-reports and report allows the company
             to drill down at each level from the region to the state, city, and county.
             On-demand, sub-reports, and sub-sub-reports are not viewed by the users
             until click specifically on the sub- and sub-reports. A sub-report can use
             the data source of the main report or it can have an entirely independent

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E Commerce: Drill-Down Report. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 19:23, September 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/201699.html