I have often heard that a satisfying career is the key to a happy and
fulfilled life since it enables an individual to achieve a feeling of well-
being, on an economic, social, and psychological level. While, no doubt,
there is a great deal of merit in the preceding observation, I personally
believe that an equally important benefit lies in the very act of seeking
to build a satisfying career. The basis of my belief stems from the fact
that working towards obtaining career satisfaction helps a person realize
her or his fullest potential by virtue of taking on the toughest of
challenges and dreaming the biggest of dreams. Indeed, with the right kind
of mind-set the sky can well prove to be the limit for an individual's
personal and professional aspirations. However, as I will attempt to
demonstrate in this paper, building a satisfying career requires ambition,
planning, and the foundation of a good college education.
My own ambition to seek a more satisfying and personally fulfilling
career was, in fact, fueled by my present job as a customer service
representative of an Insurance company. For, it was here that I realized my
desire to make a greater contribution to organizational management and
strategy. This is not to say that I have not learned a great deal from my
current job. On the contrary, I have learned a lot about customer needs vis-
à -vis Insurance products and services and just how these are currently
being met or not being met. Indeed, it is precisely these kind of insights,
which led me to dream of a day when I would be in a position to actively
lead a team working on product, service, or organizational design projects.
I realized, however, that I could only achieve my dreams by working towards
a career path in mainline management, which was beyond the growth potential
Since I was well aware of the import of the career decision I was