Healthcare Delivery System Experiences

             A surprising experience of the current healthcare delivery system
             which has personally affected me involves globalization and the internet.
             Apparently, as America's population continues to age, a large number of our
             senior citizens cannot afford the cost of their basic medicines. My
             neighbor's grandmother is in such a predicament; however, she found cost
             relief across American's boarders in Canada. Canada's Healthcare Delivery
             System provides drugs at a much lower rate then here in the United States.
             There are many medical care philosophies that start off in different
             parts of the world but the idea of good health seems universal. The
             grandmother uses a healthcare delivery system concept called telehealth/
             telemedicine. The process works by her faxing her prescriptions to a
             Canadian pharmacy recommended to her by a friend and then she calls with
             her credit card information and the pharmacy FedEx's the medicines
             overnight. My neighbor has also recently introduced the grandparent to the
             internet and email so now the process has become almost instant and calls
             are merely a secondary fail safe if needed. Not surprisingly, this
             grandmother's situation seems to have become a healthcare delivery system
             trend all over the world. "It is striking how the issues related to
             integration of telehealth/telemedicine into healthcare delivery are common
             to many countries." (Telehealth Applications, 2004) In the past, healthcare
             delivery systems utilized only local facilities and characteristics but
             this little old lady has discovered that the twenty- first century's
             healthcare delivery systems will be global.
             In conclusion, my personal experiences within the healthcare delivery
             system are limited but I do know that healthcare delivery systems are
             constantly flux. My eyes have been opened to telehealth/telemedicine while
             only in its infancy. "â€there seemed to be broad accep...

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Healthcare Delivery System Experiences. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 21:39, September 19, 2024, from