Business: Finding Solutions to Create Long Term Growth

             The current business environment is constantly changing and
             diversifying and companies need to find the appropriate solutions to create
             long-term growth and ensure that their core business activity does not
             become obsolete. A good idea in this sense would be to diversify one's
             business by prospecting new economic sectors and by creating viable
             alternatives in other areas. A practice much used nowadays creates new
             businesses within the mother companies, but serious challenges appear,
             related to the organization, prospect, evolution and survival of this
             Indeed, these new businesses face just as much of the challenges
             associated with any new business and, besides these, several new ones,
             associated with their particularities. Their primary condition implies the
             fact that their initial evolution and creation is strictly related to the
             corporate culture and the climate of the organization to which they are
             part of. Organizations where managers are open towards new ideas and
             creative spirits are more likely to encourage the creation of a new in-
             business. Further more, these types of organizations will tolerate the
             initial lack of profitability and invest in the initial research and
             Once the new business has obtained the management's vote of
             confidence, the area of business needs to be determined and analyzed. A
             new business in a sector closely related to the core activity of the
             company is more likely to succeed, because it will employ people from the
             company who are already accustomed with a certain target market and target
             Another difficult issue that needs to be analyzed before starting a
             new business is the relation with the mother company and its management.
             An independent new business will probably have the initial success,
             however, in time, it will not benefice from the support of the mother

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Business: Finding Solutions to Create Long Term Growth. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 00:07, September 20, 2024, from