Analysis of a Database

             This report is an analysis of my organization's database structure and
             includes the database applications we use. I have been employed in the
             insurance industry for the past few years so I have seen how database
             technology has greatly sped up the industry's ability to provide services
             for customers. Database technology has allowed the insurance industry to go
             on-line through the internet and provide almost instant quote service. The
             speed and accuracy of our quotes is directly linked to our ability to store
             and retrieve data. This report also will provide some insights or suggested
             The database my organization has chosen is called The Agency Manager
             or TAM and it is made by Applied Systems. Applied Systems is a giant in the
             insurance industry because they provide database and other industry
             software to well over half of the biggest insurance brokers in North
             America. Organizations using the TAM database system have the option of
             loading the software component onto home servers or they can utilize the
             internet TAM system where the software resides at Applied Systems. We have
             moved to the on-line system so if we need information we log on to the
             Internet site, request the information needed and then simply hit the
             submit button and the response is almost instantaneous. Ironically, my
             company also uses an external quoting process from the Travelers out of St.
             Paul, Minnesota who also utilizes the Applied System database technologies
             including on-line TAM. Because of the on-line remote access the system
             allows me to work from anywhere 24/7. The on-line TAM process is seamless
             If there was one observation I feel could be construed as a negative
             about the TAM system, I feel that the system could use additional security
             measures as well as a record locking system. There seems to be a missing
             database lock because there have been a fe

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Analysis of a Database. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 01:42, September 20, 2024, from