The Mighty Alexander the Great

             Within the annals of history, there are few leaders who were as powerful, as well known, and as mysterious as Alexander the Great. In his short but glorious life, he conquered what was then the known world and is now considered one of the most powerful military leaders of all time. In this paper, evidence will be presented and discussed proving the power of Alexander the Great as a leader. The topic is significant far beyond the often mythological depictions of Alexander throughout history because of the huge impact that the ambition and actions of Alexander had on the culture, politics and legal system of his time. This research will not only provide refreshing insight but will also prove the power of the leadership of this enigmatic man.
             In retrospect, history shows conclusive evidence that Alexander was destined for power virtually from birth, and definitely because of the circumstances of his early life. Alexander was born to two very powerful parents- King Philip II of Macedonia and Olympias, his ambitious and aggressive wife. From an early age, Alexander seemed to show the promise of a great leader. In his youth, Alexander received many of the best advantages that someone from a wealthy and powerful family like his could imagine, including tutelage from Aristotle himself, as well as many of the other great thinkers and minds of the day 1. This early education, combined with his excellent bloodline and what seems to be a natural ambition from birth, would serve Alexander well as he made the transition into manhood in his father's shadow. As a teenager, when his father needed to travel abroad for political purposes, Alexander was temporarily put on the throne, and during that time, he skillfully led troops to quash an insurgent uprising in one of the distant lands, and by the age of sixteen, Alexander had already formed several cities and oversaw them with the strength and decisiveness that would soon lead to his greatness2...

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The Mighty Alexander the Great. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 03:16, September 20, 2024, from