Organization Function of Management in Education

             In order to be able to proceed with the organization function of management, as it is seen in the educational organization where I work, we first need to be able to define the main coordinates of this management function. As such, the organization function of management refers to "establishing the internal organizational structure of the business"1 and its focus is on "division, coordination, and control of tasks and the flow of information within the organization".
             First of all, working as a teacher assistant means that I am part of a hierarchical structure in our school. There are two levels of task coordination. The vertical, top-down coordination can be assimilated to subordination and refers to general strategic directions communicated by the higher educational structures. Indeed, as a teacher assistant, one needs to recognize the professorial norms, as well as the educational schedule, as this was created by the educational board. I know, for example, that, at the end of the year, I have to reach objectives such as (1) ensuring that the pupils are taught all things in the program for that year, (2) ensure that the knowledge passed to them is assimilated (this is generally done by end of the year tests and exams) and (3) ensure that they are able to commit to next year's subjects (preparing them, thus, for the subsequent curriculum).
             In terms of horizontal coordination, this refers to coordinating my activity with the other members of the educational staff and includes knowledge and experience exchanges, discussing problems that have arisen in different educational situations, obtaining information on how to handle these and debating handling educational challenges.
             In terms of monetary and financial resources, the organizing function of management is reflected in the administrative body of our organization. As such, the principal is head of the organizational structure that coordinates or m...

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Organization Function of Management in Education. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 03:25, September 20, 2024, from