Management Planning and Ethics

             The planning function of management is perhaps the most important of all management functions, because it provides the strategic framework in which the organization evolves, including its mission, strategic vision, strategic objectives and all other functions derive here from.
             According to several functions, we can summarize the planning function according to a vision-mission-objectives-goals scheme1. We will follow on each of these points in the educational organization where I work as a teacher assistant and see how each fits.
             In terms of vision, this is generally a short statement that represents an ideal for the future, a general objective that the organization strives to achieve in all its actions. In our case, the organization's vision can be "providing quality education to all". It is a statement that encompasses all the activities that take place in the organization, with their final objective of providing quality education. Quality is perhaps the key word in this vision statement. There are many schools and are educational structures that provide education, we are interested in providing quality education, in creating people that can approach the labor market with an excellent educational background.
             The mission statement expands on the vision of the organization. In this sense, we can nominate the students and pupils as our 'clients' and agree that creating the most worthy educational environment for them is derived from the vision statement. Everybody in this educational structure works towards achieving the best conditions for the pupils and towards providing all premises towards constructing a valuable educational framework.
             The strategic objectives and goals are transposing the vision and mission statement into clear milestones that will mark this organization's future. We need to fix objectives that are attainable, measurable, consistent and specific2, so a list of objective...

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Management Planning and Ethics. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 03:34, September 20, 2024, from