Assessing Training Design Using Three Main Steps

             In an organization or any company, people or its present human resources are considered to be one of the greatest asset that a company posses. With this amount of value given to this most critical component of an organization, its training and development is one of the most important concerns. According to Clive Shepherd in his article reiterating about the importance of the growth of individuals and its training within a company, the amount of expected return of investment is part of the most significant tool in assessing and evaluating the capabilities of its people. He stressed that, "If people really are your greatest asset, isn't it time to look at your training programs as investments in your organization's human capital and not just as an expense" he contends that the case for return on investment (ROI) as a primary tool for forecasting and evaluating the benefits of training and explains the steps involved in conducting an ROI analysis. Shepherd further noted that "the evaluation of training, like motherhood and apple pie, is inherently a good thing. But, because short term priorities always crowd out their longer term competitors, it's typically something we plan to do better next year - after all, we've got away with it so far, so another year won't hurt!
             Given the above contention to this issue, drafting and planning a training program is part and parcel of the vital factor of the success of an organization. Enabling a company to carry out its thrust towards development, it may look further in assessing the design of its training program.
             A training design is regarded as an outline or a blueprint for a training event or experience. The design is a comprehensive plan for what you will do, why you will be accomplishing it, and the paramount means to reach your training objectives.
             The initiation of a drafting a training design can due to a diversity of motivations prearranged to an employee or group of e...

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Assessing Training Design Using Three Main Steps. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 05:47, September 20, 2024, from